We founded TransparAid for those who want to give and help, but who are unsure about the how and where - it can be quite tiresome and unsettling to find the one NGO or aid project that seems adequate: The situation in the crisis countries of this world is just as confusing as the organizations that help on the ground. Not all of these organizations are effective or have only good intentions -corruption or simply waste of aid is not uncommon.
We only promote NGOs and projects that we personally know, trust and believe in. We want to give their protagonists, stories, challenges and achievements a platform and, thus, increase transparency and trust for their cause. We briefly introduce each of these organizations in person and explain why we consider them to be effective.
Let's have a look at some of the projects and awesome folks on the ground that we encountered throughout the last 10 years in the Middle East, Africa and back home in Europe...
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